Is This A Kissing Book? Romancing The Blog Hop

One of my favorite scenes from Princess Bride was when Fred Savage asked his grandpa (Peter Faulk) "Is this a kissing book?" And he was really, really hoping the answer was no . And yet what was missing for little Fred when the book ended? Yep. That kiss. And according the S. Morgenstern, “Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.” For me, this is why I read romance novels. I probably wouldn't read it if it wasn't a kissing book. Heck, if my High School text books had some kissing in 'em, I would've gotten better grades! My favorite screen kiss is from the film Never Been Kissed . They had to get it right, and oh, baby, did they. I still get chills when I watch it. Mmmm mmmm. Kissing is so meaningful because it's the moment when guards are lowered and a tentative test is made--a test with sensitive body parts--the lips. ...