Liebster Award & 11 Fascinating Facts

Special thanks to Wrathsqueen for nominating me for the Liebster Blog award--which recognizes small blogs like mine! (Hi, Erin!) Rules 1. Each person must post 11 facts about themselves. 2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the person you tag. 3. Choose 11 people and link them to your post. 4. Tell them you've tagged them. 5. Remember, no tag backs. 11 Facts About Me 1. Is there a book at the moment that you've heard about but unsure if you want to try it? The Dead-Tossed Waves ( Forest of Hands and Teeth , Book 2). I read Forest of Hands and Teeth and loved it...until the end. I was so disappointed, that even tho I own the second book, I haven't picked it up yet. I'm told I'll love it, so I WILL read it at some point! 2. If you could only ever recommend one book to someone, what would it be and why? Hunger Games . Even tho I was terribly disap...