Take a Bite With Apocalypse Babes

Book 5 of the time-travel romance series Apocalypse Babes is now available.

Bite Me continues Seffy and Trent's (affectionately known as Treffy) story: Conspiracy plots thicken like tainted blood, taking a bite out of Treffy's fledgling relationship and casting a dark shadow over ones they thought they could trust. 

Now available at Amazon for 99 cents


  1. The 5th installment of "The Apocalypse Babes" is the best so far!! I keep thinking "There's no way she can top this" and Bella Street keeps surprising me with every new issue!!!
    I don't want to write any spoilers here so I'll just say that the action, drama, mystery, time travel, love story, zombies, werewolves, prophetic dreaming, Christmas party, experimental medicine, and the 'pink hairnet of time' are all woven together with superb wit and style.
    I love this series!!! Bella Street rocks!!! I will be waiting on the edge of my seat for her next release.

  2. I agree! This series totally rocks and I cannot imagine how it will end!


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