FREE SQUEE! The Z Word free on Kindle

Y'all, it's been free on Apple, free at B&N, free at Smashwords, I've been handing 'em out free hand over fist, but now, my first book in the Apocalypse Babes series, The Z Word, is FINALLY FREE FOR KINDLE.


So get your KINDLE COPY here!

If you like The Z Word, enter my contest for a chance to win a Juicy Couture tracksuit, Pink perfume by Victoria's Secret, or an Amazon GC. 


  1. I have to say, I certainly hopped over and got this as soon as I heard the word and thank you so much for sharing your talent with us :)

  2. Thank you for posting on facebook. I am so happy I was able to get a copy and I plan on reading it this weekend. By the way I LOVE LOVE the cover!


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