Young Adult Mythology Hop and Persephone's Trouble

Mythology is such a fascinating subject, because myths--extremely similar myths--persist in the histories of all culture worldwide. Does this point to a common beginning? Shared stories (before social media??)? Or common themes of the human condition? Whatever the reason, mythology never gets old and continues to reveal the depths, motives, and secrets of the human heart. One of the most compelling myths is the story of Persephone . Some have called her story 'the rape of Persephone'. Rape most likely is better translated as 'abduction', but ultimately what's at stake is the loss of innocence. A young maiden picking flowers in a field wanders away from her mother (Demeter). The earth suddenly opens and Hades emerges from below and abducts her, forcing her into marriage. Demeter's grief--which causes crop failure and starvation--make s Hades release Persephone for a few months a year so the earth can recover and mankind can surv...