I Never Doubted It

"Physicists at the University of Queensland in Australia claim to have discovered time teleportation , no flux capacitors involved: Just like quantum physics allows for teleportation in space , they say that the same is possible in time. Time travel to... the future!" This is how it works (...) imagine an experiment that Ralph and Olson describe in which a qubit is sent into the future. The idea is that a detector acts on a qubit and then generates a classical message describing how this particle can be detected. Then, at some point in the future, another detector at the same position in space, receives this message and carries out the required measurement, thereby reconstructing the qubit. But there's a twist. Olson and Ralph show that the detection of the qubit in the future must be symmetric in time with its creation in the past. "If the past detector was active at a quarter to 12:00, then the future detector must wait to become active at precisel...