The Page 99 Test

Ford Madox Ford famously said, “Open the book to page ninety-nine, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you.” Now there's a website devoted to it . As a writer, you can upload published or unpublished page 99s of your work. Or as a reader you can go read the page 99s and vote/comment. You don't get to see who wrote it until after you vote. It's a lot of fun. Here's what I posted from my romance entitled Kiss Me, I'm Irish . “There's a park nearby,” Tinker said. “Let's go sit on a bench and chillax before going back to our stuffy motel room.” Liam glanced down at Emily and thought that might be a good idea. Emily kept her face averted as they walked the short distanced to a playground loaded with screaming kids. He noticed her occasionally wiping her eyes and felt his anger return. Was this just an act to make him feel like a monster? Damn, he needed a cigarette. Maybe nicotine would help him think straight if common sense didn't. ...