A Hero's Blog Hop G!veaway--It's All About Him (and a Kindle Fire)

Men . They're the real reason we read romance novels, savvy? Of course we all love strong female leads, fast-paced plots, and exotic locales...but we really like the heroic honeybun hotties who populate the pages of our favorite novels. As a romance author, I will often peruse celeb websites looking for someone who matches my mental images of my characters. It's never the other way around for me--I don't use a celeb as a hero. I just try to find someone who's a close match. Scott Speedman For my Apocalypse Babes series, one of the male lead characters-- Trent --really reminds me of the guy in this picture. Not the guy in Felicity --at least personality-wise, but the way this guy on the right looks --cranky and delish. In my book Kiss Me, I'm Irish , I imagine my moody, Irish musician hero Liam to look something like the guy below in all his blue-eyed, scruffy yumminess: Matt Bomer If you'd like a chance to meet either one of t...