Pedal to the Metal Dracula Action

No broody, sparkly vamps are present (although one has a suspiciously red nose) in the new novel Draculas by Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn, Jeff Strand, and F. Paul Wilson. 

The plural form of the noun 'dracula' has particular meaning in the novel, as there are LOTS. They don't read minds, tell the future, or look good in American Apparel. These are vamps one wants to avoid--desperately. Unless your DNA hearkens back to mists of antiquity when rulers were a leetle more brutal.

The book brims with blood, guts, and an array of characters who fight for their lives, and the lives of the innocent. Non-stop action, fangs and balloon animals abound with a liberal dose of black humor.

The book is also brimming with extras like short stories, deleted and alternate scenes, and novel excerpts by the authors' other works.

To read the first 50 pages, go here. The read the whole thing,  head to Amazon on October 19th.

And just because the book comes out in time for Halloween, don't dress up like a clown, 'kay?


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